
When I was thinking of as a website, I know it would showcase some art…however I wasn’t sure exactly how. As all good insights come during meditation. Three words popped into my head…inspire, amuse and educate. Yes that’s it. I couldn’t have better categorized it! The power of the muse!
I have to admit a part of me finds the word educate pompous…’art to educate’, who do I think I am??? Well let’s create some space around the judgement…in this context I hope to provide information and tools to learn more about subjects that are close to my heart. Namely the practice of Iyengar Yoga and Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation.
First, Iyengar Yoga! It’s a great practice and I am looking at a few aspects here. Often students have a tough time remembering the Sanskrit names of Yoga poses. So one project involves creating images for every asana with their names. It could be a poster of printed out as a set of cards. In addition Iyengar Yoga uses a lot of props. Asanas have their classical manifestation but also versions which can be entered into using props. So some drawings illustrating how you can set up your version in different ways.
And finally Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation. I have been listening to a lot of Buddhist Suttas recently. There are some fantastic audible downloads by Bhikku Bodhi and Bhikku Sujato. As I listen to them I am amazed at the clarity and relevance of the wisdom. However most people don’t read suttas…yet I feel with some encouragement they might find them engaging and full of sensible advice on how to live a good life. So some have an infographic approach, some illustrative to bring out the sense of the discourse. In addition I also include a few videos in this section. I had the good fortune to do some videos for Buddhist Chants done for Dhamma Talks, Readings and Guided Meditations Presented by the Venerable Ajahn Achalo.