
Spiritualart through the ages have connected us to the divine, the sublime. That which cannot be described but only experienced. Yet artists through generations have given this numinous element form. Often as deities to uplift, give hope and point to liberation. We pray, ask for guidance or look at them as embodiments of aspirational qualities. Their presence points to realms that cannot be seen through the five senses. However through their presence in art I have faith we can create a portal into their presence if venerated with a devotional heart. This would be the subject of art under this category.
All of these images came into form at different stages of my life so far. Each have a little story of creation. I share this to bring out the mundane personal details which led to something which was beyond me. A bit like a lotus that rises up from the mud of existence. Which I have chosen as my logo.
I dedicate this section to my father. We had many pictures of Hindu deities in every room in the house. Kind of cheesy calendar art. My father would rise every morning and go around the house pray offering incense and prayers to each picture. In my youth I was torn between intuitively loving the experience and also viewing it as pointless ritualism. The scientific framework had no place for God…these traditions were created to delude and give false hope. I was under the delusion of modern education. I see things differently now and am deeply grateful for my father’s kind, gentle devotional heart. His consistent showing up for the morning ritual. I also have to include my brother in this dedication. He is lover of The Buddha. It was he who introduced me to Buddhist meditation. My first 10 Day Vipassana retreat at 20 which led me to the path of Dhamma. In a way he too is a true son to my father…many Buddha rupas all around his house too…and he too wakes up for his regular morning Vipassana meditation.