
Practice is the blessing

I recently put up a photo of Guruji BKS Iyengar and Geetaji on my shrine. As I was about to begin my zoom class the other day, i felt quite moved by the privilege of being able to teach. I love all my students and so i bowed to the photos of these two beautiful beings who have brought  the the practice of Iyengar Yoga in all our lives. I asked Guruji. “Please bless me and my students”. Words popped into my head…’The practice is the blessing”!

Wow! Flash of insight…why of course!! At all levels exactly, that’s it. The practice is the blessing. As a student of Iyengar Yoga, the more i practice and show up with consistency, following the niyamas the more i begin to understand through my body. If i can understand then i can communicate that to my students. If i don’t practise and regularly drink from the fountain of yoga by surrendering and igniting more energy to run through this bodily matrix…i cannot communicate the truth and beauty to any of my students.

As a teacher it is my duty to communicate clearly the path. The student has to walk him/herself. How much they practise, how they practise will yield the fruits of their efforts. As a guide and teacher, it is my duty and responsibility to teach them the correct method. Guruji practised like none of us ever can, and because of that he was able to communicate the way to practise as clearly as possible so that students could work with it. By following the instructions of correct practise the connection will be made. Then it’s that space of connection which will provide the blessing.

So in a way every time you step into the mat for your practise, remember you are stepping into sacred ground, if you practise with devotion, following the method correctly then peace, joy, energy will arise. That is the blessing…your practise is the blessing.

In Guruji’s own words.

“My Body Is My Temple And Asanas Are My Prayers” B.K.S. Iyengar


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