
Right Effort: Samma Vayama


‘Sama Vayamo’ or Right Effort is often overlooked when we start on a path of meditation.

Our thoughts create the narrative of our lives. Often we inherit these thinking patterns or develop them as a reaction to the world. It is important to examine and cultivate wholesome thoughts which will lead to skillful actions. Thoughts left unchecked can produce numerous unwholesome actions.

However before the 7th factor of Right Mindfulness or ‘Sama Sati’ is the 6th factor of the Noble Eightfold path ‘Sama Vyamo’ Right Effort!

At first there has to be an understanding that certain states of mind cause us and others pain. These are unskillful states of mind. There are other states of mind which are wholesome and uplift us bringing more peace and clarity.

There has to be an effort on the part of the practitioner:

  • Not to let an unwholesome thought arise which has not yet arisen.
  • Not to let an unwholesome thought continue which has already arisen.
  • To make a wholesome thought arise which has not yet arisen.
  • To make a wholesome thought continue which has already arisen.
    (from Anguttara Nikaya 4.14)

1. Not to let an unwholesome thought arise which has not yet arisen.
Understand your triggers and shelter your self through good restrain of senses to not put yourself in situations that cause such states to arise.

2. Not to let an unwholesome thought continue which has already arisen.
Despite our efforts surely unwholesome states like greed, anger and agitated mind states will arise. The moment we become aware of it make an effort to abandon them.

3. To make a wholesome thought arise which has not yet arisen. Like Metta (friendliness), Karuna (compassion), Mudita (sympathetic joy), Upekkha (equanimity)

4. To make a wholesome thought continue which has already arisen. Become very skilled at cultivating these wholesome mind states so slowly feeding on these positive emotions the health of the mind is restored.

It’s like eating well giving up junk, exercising regularly giving up the sedentary lifestyle making you sick. We have to put in Right Effort!

Once the mind is healthier it can take on the task of deeper Dhamma like Mindfulness and Concentration leading to a quiet aware alert balanced mind in Samadhi to investigate the nature of Reality!


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