
The Contentment of Concentration

As the attention rests on the flow of life

the pulse of being

all the tentacles and suckers get drawn back in,

moving outwards we seek, suck

avert push away..forever caught in a world of push pull…of trains travelling through different stations

until suddenly, the satisfaction and peace flood the being and just like that, the tentacles seem irrelevant

there is withdrawal, and all I feels, is radiance

lover I want you to love me, not

mother I want your care, not

father I want your protection, not

when all longing seems like a funny game

all needs evaporate within

stay still, and let the station house whatever…


In the four foundations of Mindfulness the Buddha speaks of abandoning and letting go of all that arises, knowing they are all conditioned. Yet he does encourage the cultivation of the enlightenment factors and the eight fold path. Without training our ethics, actions and finally the aspects of our mind we cannot touch the deathless.

Here is the sutta of concentration

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